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Course Populaire

Course et marche

populaires de LaSalle

All our races now start at the same place near the finish line!


With the help of the Borough of LaSalle and many sponsors, Kilomaîtres LaSalle

hosts their yearly Course et marche populaires de LaSalle (CMPL) event in March,

and is part of the Endurance Greater Montreal Running Circuit.


The CMPL is the club’s main source of funding.


IGA BECK of LaSalle 10 km run

Since many years, IGA BECK of LaSalle is providing all participants of the Course populaire a generous healthy snack which is the basis of the quality services offered during this event. In 2023, IGA BECK will once again be the sponsor of the morning's main event: the 10 km.

5 km run

Runners and triathletes, come and test your spring fitness on a fast and flat 5 km course that will be closed to traffic. The Caisse Desjardins de LaSalle is a major sponsor, contributing to the 43st edition of the Course populaire.


Sutton 2 km run

The perfect opportunity for 12-19 year olds to rub shoulders with strong competitors at the beginning of the season! The loop around Pearson Adult and Career Centre allows your parents and friends to cheer you on.


 Caisse Desjardins of LaSalle 5 km walk

Come celebrate the return of spring. 

Mike Strange.jpg

Tribute to Mike Strange 1 km run (11 years old and under)

Get the little ones moving with this fun and affordable race in memory of Mike Strange, coach and director of Kilomaîtres LaSalle, founder of the Kilomaîtres LaSalle youth    track & field club and who dedicated himself to the athletic, academic and personal development of many young athletes.


  • Participation medals given to all children at the finish line.

  • Gold, silver and bronze medals to the first three competitors in each age group (0-5 years, 6-7 years, 8-9 years, 10-11 years). 

  • No age group medals will be awarded to a child who is 12 years of age or older or who ran in a stroller.

Course et marche rapide

Run & Walking Club

514 769-8443  


Track & Field

514 442-7403 

Adresse postale

Mailing address

Les Kilomaîtres LaSalle

C.P. 3022, Succursale Lapierre

LaSalle (Québec)

H8N 3H2

© 2023 Les Kilomaîtres LaSalle 

Nous sommes affiliés à la Fédération québécoise d’athlétisme.


We are affiliated with the Quebec Athletic Federation.

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